Trade Show Product Support
We Offer Complete Trade Show Materials Support
Are you participating in a trade show but want to make a better splash than you have in the past? Need some ideas and creative help? You can rely on Pacific Color Graphics, the experts in creating a powerful trade show presence for your company.
In today’s competitive environment, trade shows can be a powerful springboard toward establishing a new company or brand. As a full-service digital printing and marketing partner, our team has helped many businesses create compelling trade show presentations that turn curious observers into enthusiastic customers.
Pacific Color Graphics helps your enterprise make a bold first impression with trade show support that includes:
- Booths or tents strategically designed to allow your staff to easily engage trade show attendees and prominently display the benefits of your products or services
- Attention-getting banner signage that is visible throughout a cavernous convention center or arena. We know how to use color, graphics and fonts effectively to deliver an on-point sales message
- Popular promotional items such as sports equipment or clothing imprinted with your logo. Trade show attendees have to come to expect “grab bags” loaded with swag. Pacific Color Graphics can help you prepare grab bags of quality items that enable your company to stand apart from competitors
- Full-color printed takeaway materials such as binders, brochures and direct mail postcards that generate pre-trade show interest, are handed out during the show, or mailed in the days after the show to follow up on potential leads
- In-booth materials for company representatives, including lanyards, name badges, hats and caps, shirts, and table coverings.
Plan Your Trade Show Presentation with Us
Pacific Color Graphics has a depth of experience in helping companies prepare for trade shows. Our expertise is particularly valuable for newer businesses or those that have never participated in a trade show.
Showcasing your product or service takes planning. Initial preparations should start as much as a year ahead of the trade show. We make Herculean efforts to fulfill emergency orders on print and promotional items, but for it is best for success to give plenty of time for printing, binding and shipping to your location.
Begin discussing trade show product support with the Pacific Color Graphics team today Call 888-551-1482.